Thursday, March 27, 2008


Only the best band to grace us this year!! Listen to Adam sing, well actually count in Filipino. We were initially trying to make out what he was saying then BAM! it hit us! hahaha Sorry about the vid, tried to keep my hands as steady as possible.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Holy Week in Baguio

Went up for the Holiday with the family and my new toy!! Got myself a fisheye! Use it for 3 days straight and you kinda get overwhelmed by it. or it could be just me! hehe

Hey! that's my foot!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Here fishy fishy fishy!

First shot with my new fishy! This is the view from our condo. not bad! hehe

Monday, March 10, 2008

WHAT?!?! ME?!

Went to our OB-GYN and man the news we got was priceless! Make a wild guess!
Let's see how that lil ol peanut turns out!