Merry Christmas!
This year, The Philippines is having the loooonnngggesssttt Christmas ever! from the 24th of December all the way to the 4th of January! Simply means I'm going to be taking a lot of photos of my family and most especially Sarita!! Heres a few to kick it in...
Start the morning right! Heres Mommy and Sarita spending some quality time...

Here they are by the pool... Late afternoon sun! I just love the color of the afternoon sun... too bad blogger kinda messes up with the color... Anyone know the ratio to compensate for this? lemme know!

She was trying to tell me something... but i havent been brushing up on my gugu talk so i really couldnt make out what she was saying. hehe

This is what i love about our own children. hehe no matter how bad any joke of mine is. She laughs! hahahaha I love you Sweetie!
Thanks for dropping by!! Merry Christmas Everyone!